worst examples of God (according to the Bible)
Los pésimos
ejemplos de Dios
(Según la Biblia)
Temas de Hoy, Barcelona,
Very short
Some basic facts
on the Bible and its different versions
1. "Every
word and example of the Bible has God as the author" ... And
this book will be limited to reproduce what they say he said
2. Mandates
legislated by God that Christianity prefers not to give out, but
are still enforced in the Bible
2.1. Sixteen
immoral Commandments of God
3. God rewarded
cowards, cheats and thieves
3.1. Cowardice
that enriches: Abraham did pass his wife Sara as his sister, giving
her for the pleasure of kings and thereby gaining a fortune... And
the divine punishment of many innocent
3.2. From charlatan
to Patriarch: Jacob deceived his brother Esau and his father Isaac,
who was blind, in order to seize the rights of primogeniture
3.3. Stealing
from family is not a sin: Jacob became rich cheating his uncle and
father-in-law, Labán
4. God considered
righteous men those who gave their wives or daughters to be raped
by the mob
4.1. Made beef
of the women to save the pride of man: Lot offered his two virgin
daughters to prevent the Sodomites from raping two angels
4.2. Gender-based
violence against women: the Levite who, seeking to avoid being raped
by the men of Guibea, handed his wife to them. She was abused to
death, and the act provoked a war with thousands of dead and hundreds
of sexual slaves
5. Incests to
the greater glory of God's people
5.1. Lot's daughters
got their father drunken, to have sex with him and become pregnant
5.2. On how
God killed two sons of Judah (without giving any reason), and he
ended impregnating his daughter-in-law Tamar, believing that she
was a whore
5.3. Onan, killed
by God for not ejaculating inside her sister-in-law when when he
had sex with her
5.4. The rape
of Tamar by his brother Amnón, son of David, the subsequent
carnage and absolute silence of God
6. God rewarded
those who were very bad parents to their children
6.1. Noah, drunk
and naked, cursed a grandson and his offspring because his youngest
son saw him in such a situation
6.2. The dirty
envy of a mother was given divine blessing: Abraham expelled his
first son from his home, the child he had with his servant Agar
6.3. The children
are nothing, Abraham followed the order of God to sacrifice his
son Isaac without saying a word, lying to him in order to bring
him up to his own Holocaust
6.4. Jefté,
judge of Israel, murdered his daughter only to meet an agreement
with God
6.5. Mesa, a
Moabite King who saved his country from the destruction of Israel
and the fury of God, sacrificing his eldest son
6.6. God commanded:
If you have a rebellious child, kill him!
7. God considered
women as objects of bed and plunder, always suitable for receiving
exemplary punishments
7.1. Prototypical
gains of war, as mandated by God: livestock, cattle, donkeys and
female virgins!
7.2. God killed
Nabal to facilitate David's vengeance (without getting his hands
dirty) so that he could take Nabal's wife and wealth
7.3. Forced
a married woman to be his lover, killed her husband and was able
to be one of the most celebrated men of the Bible. He was King David,
the one chosen by God to glorify his people
7.4. God gave
an alibi and an excuse for zealous men to humiliate their women
and make them abort
7.5. Aaron and
Miriam, Moses' siblings, murmured against him, but God only punished
the woman with leprosy while he didn't touch the man
7.6. God turned
to pornographic comparisons degrading women, as examples that served
to recount how sinful the people of Israel and Judah were
8. God made
traps, manipulated wills and played with many lives in order to
achieve some of his glorious episodes
8.1. God prevented
mankind from understanding each other and from working together:
the villainy was perpetrated in Babel
8.2. God forced
the very evil men to become more evil, in order to showcase himself
to his people: the truth about a poor Pharaoh and his people, who
were massacred with pests and assassinations so that God would become
8.3. Thieves
of war: God defeated the Amalekites allowing Moses to trick with
his magic baton
8.4. God bet
the faithfulness of Job with one of his angels... A game for which
he killed many innocent people and ruined and tortured every holy
and patient male...
9. Betrayers
and murderers for the greater glory of God and his people
9.1. They saved
the whore who betrayed the city of Jericho, but all the other inhabitants
were killed by knife
9.2. A man,
Ehud, and two women, Yael and Judit, prototypes of the biblical
targeted killing and treason perpetrated with the help of God
9.3. Jehú,
traitor, murderer and bloodthirsty usurper of the throne of Israel
by God's will
10. God used
for his plans males who were total fools
10.1. Samson,
a judge quick to anger and very short in understanding
10.2. The great
Solomon: a slow thinker to whom God, after making him king, had
to give him intelligence
11. God did
not hesitate to kill many innocents... Even under the pretext of
punishing men who only acted according to his mandates
11.1. God swept
a whole people with the plague to punish King David... for having
fulfilled the divine warrant without a protest!
11.2. God ordered
the stoning of Achan and his family, for keeping some goods found
in the remains of Jericho, a city massacred by divine order!
11.3. God sent
death to a prophet who refused to give a beating to another prophet
12. God was
merciless when he regulated slavery, killed hundreds of thousands,
ordered the massacre of countless innocents and launched terrible
curses on his flock
12.1. God likes
slavery ... And carefully regulated it
12.2. God blessed
and allowed two prophets with very bad tempers, Elijah and Elisha,
to kill for pleasure dozens of innocents
12.3. God killed
hundreds of thousands by his own hand and demanded that his people
would perpetrate huge,merciless and endless killings
12.4. The curses
of God to his people ... Still in force!
Tables and acronyms:
Remarkable facts
in the history of Israel and Judah and a time table of the most
important texts of the Old Testament
Acronyms of
the biblical texts used in this book
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